
Around 4,400 people end their own lives in England each year - that's one death every two hours - and at least 10 times that number attempt suicide

Around 75% of suicides are men and in almost all cultures, the suicide rate rises with age. 

Risk Factors

Certain factors are known to be associated with increased risk of suicide. These include:

  • drug and alcohol misuse
  • unemployment
  • social isolation
  • poverty
  • poor social conditions
  • imprisonment
  • violence
  • family breakdown.

People with a diagnosed mental health condition are at particular risk. Around 90% of suicide victims suffer from a psychiatric disorder at the time of their death.

Those at the highest risk of suicide are people suffering from alcoholism, clinical depression or schizophrenia. Previous suicide attempts are also an indication of particular risk. Up to 20% of survivors try again within a year, and as a group they are 100 times more likely to go on to complete suicide than those who have never attempted suicide.

For young people, bullying, family turmoil, mental health problems, unemployment and a family history of suicide can play a part in increasing the risk of suicide. Amongst the young, 80% of suicides are male, and one in three young people who take their lives are intoxicated at the time of death.

For older people, poverty, poor quality housing, social isolation, depression and physical health problems are factors which can increase the risk of suicide. Over 1,000 men aged 50+ end their own lives every year in England and Wales.


Feeling suicidal is often a temporary state of mind. If appropriate and timely help and emotional support is offered to people who are experiencing deep unhappiness and distress, this can reduce the risk of them choosing to end their own life.

Following a focused campaign in recent years, numbers of suicides among younger men aged 25 - 34 – previously the highest – have fallen.

Attempts at suicide are often preceded by certain signs. These can include evidence of deliberate self-harm and the person in question expressing their thoughts in the year before the act to relatives, partners, peers or professionals. These offer potential opportunities to intervene and save lives.

Despite this, three-quarters of all people who end their own lives are not in contact with mental health services.

Prevention of suicide is not the exclusive responsibility of any one sector of society. Schools can create cultures in which young people feel it is healthy to talk through emotional and other difficulties.  General practitioners can restrict the number of tablets prescribed to those at risk of overdose.  Accident and Emergency staff can ensure all young people who have attempted suicide receive specialist mental health assessment. And each of us can pay close attention to the overall mental health of our loved ones to reduce the risks of them taking their lives.

Recovery from a suicide attempt

The attitudes we hold toward people who attempt to take their lives can influence the course of their condition.The isolation that suicidal people feel can be reinforced by a judgmental approach in which their behaviour is viewed as manipulative or selfish. By stepping beyond our personal assumptions, and showing care and respect for the people behind the behaviours, we can help them talk about their feelings and help prevent suicide taking place.

U Can Cope

In 2012 the Mental Health Foundation collaborated in the production 'U Can Cope', a film which was made to raise awareness and provide help and support on World Suicide Prevention Day. The film aims to spread the message that it is possible to overcome suicidal thoughts and feelings and that there are many resources available to help those who are struggling to cope.

Find out more about the myths and misconceptions of suicide.

Information taken from Mental Health Foundation.

If you need assistance for yourself or someone you know, don't hesitate to contact us at GBHWC. 
We are here to help. We care.

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