New Beginnings
Alcoholism is an age-old problem that tragically affects the lives of many adults and adolescents on our island. Most people are also aware that Guam now faces an epidemic of people using the drug Ice (crystal methamphetamine), a relatively new drug compared to others that are still being abused, such as heroin, cocaine, acid and marijuana. Inhaling bu¬tane, gasoline and other chemicals is also a rising problem among our youth. The majority of clients seeking services at GBHWC, either volun-tarily or referred by others require education and treatment for substance abuse. Following intake, consumers are assessed to determine the extent of their problems and may be referred to our New Beginnings Program or an outpatient group needed to begin a drug-free lifestyle.
Alcoholism is an age-old problem that tragically affects the lives of many adults and adolescents on our island. Most people are also aware that Guam now faces an epidemic of people using the drug Ice (crystal methamphetamine), a relatively new drug compared to others that are still being abused, such as heroin, cocaine, acid and marijuana. Inhaling bu¬tane, gasoline and other chemicals is also a rising problem among our youth. The majority of clients seeking services at GBHWC, either volun-tarily or referred by others require education and treatment for substance abuse. Following intake, consumers are assessed to determine the extent of their problems and may be referred to our New Beginnings Program or an outpatient group needed to begin a drug-free lifestyle.
Those clients who are found to be very dependent upon drugs and alcohol are placed in the sixteen weeks New Beginnings Intensive Outpatient Program for intensive therapy and education-lots of group sessions, continued care, and family involvement needed for a fresh start to a healthy lifestyle change. Outpatient groups are offered days and evenings for those cli¬ents who have problems with abuse, but still need to keep working or raising children for most of the day.
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