PCMA Certification Training

PCMA Certification Training

This is a basic class that teaches “Verbal Intervention and Physical Intervention.” Participants will be required to perform skills required to break away from grabs or holds through verbal intervention first and only to use physical intervention as a last measure to protect yourself.
Professional Crisis Management Association (PCMA) is a credentialing body and as such, is responsible for setting and maintaining high standards that can meet the rigorous standards of many agencies across the nation. A certification is essentially a guarantee that signifies that an individual received a minimum amount and quality of training in crisis management. PCMA is a system of clinical physical interventions that were based on a set of ethical principles, behavior analytic teaching methodologies (including shaping and fading), biofeedback strategies, and safe bio-mechanical movements. This system is needed for our staff, stakeholders, and safety of our consumers both physically and mentally on a daily basis and is crucial to our mission in providing effective services to the people of Guam.