8.0 Hour Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS)

8.0 Hour Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS)

8.0 Hour Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services Training
Tuesday, January 23,  2018 / 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Facilitator: Al Silverio
Training Agenda
7:30 am to 8:00am              Registration / Sign-In
8:00 am to 8:15 am             Group Introductions, Housekeeping and Ground Rules
                                                Participants will engage in a group exercise to start the understanding of homogeneity and diversity within small groups. It will encourage self-identity and understanding in preparation of the entre
8:15 am to 8:45 am             The Pacific in a Cultural Health Crisis
                                                Discussion of how adverse health trends are impacting the culture and composition of Asian and Pacific Islanders. Comparative regional and local data will describe the changing physical and cultural health norms of Guam’s communities.  This discussion will articulate the possible challenges and resolution options to Guam’s regional health emergency.
8:45 am to 9:10 am             Pre-Test: The Cultural World Around Us
                                                This is a group examination of the basic knowledge of cultural icons, expected knowledge and knowledge retention revolving around culture and language.  It will help participants to gauge readiness of addressing multiculturalism from their current perspectives. It will serve as a foundational awareness of what we are expected to understand versus what we actually can recall about the world around us.
9:10 am to 9:45 am             Privilege, Stereotypes, Ethnic Disparities, Racial Divides and Words Activity 
                                                This group exercise will engage participants into the sometimes uncomfortable and challenging discussion of language usage by the populations that they serve.  It is a thought-provoking look at how language appropriateness and acceptance are essential in working with multi-lingual populations.  Colloquialisms, acronyms, icons, street language and specialty terminology will be integrated into group discussions and short presentations. 
9:45 am to 10:30 am           15 CLAS Standards:  Impact of CLAS on Service Delivery, Program Funding and Practical Applications - Focus on Standard #1 
                                                This activity will address the 15 National CLAS Standards and the implementation of these specific steps on Guam.  It will describe the processes and outcomes of these standards and the implications they have in overall service delivery efficacy. This discussion will also articulate the consequences of non-compliance to the CLAS Trainings that may include organizational sanctions, jeopardized funding and possible restitution as negative outcomes.
10:30 am to 10:45 am        Break
10:45 am to 11:15 am        Cultural Rejection, Acceptance & Resolution Activity
                                                Participants will understand and describe cultural and social acceptance and rejection on a direct level.  Randomly-selected participants will encounter situations that they may not be in agreement with and will encounter confrontation and discomfort.  Resolution will be made to illustrate how cultural rejection can be corrected with positive outcomes. The facilitator will then ask the group to unify and express their observations and perspectives.
11:15 am to 11:30 am        Your Cultural Inventory
                                                This focus on participant culture will extract individual understandings of what cultural influences, factors, practices, customs and attitudes can influence change and resistance to change in the community.  This will reveal cultural differences and similarities that help define the service delivery landscape of Guam. It will derive comparative discussions that build upon improved understanding of why some cultural norms are not often understood until they are fully understood.
11:30 am to 11:55 am         15 CLAS Standards:  Focus on Standard #1 - Guam Implementation Discussion; Guam’s Cultural Challenges, Describing Cultural Changes and the “New Normalcy”  
                                                Guam’s ever-changing populations will be the topic of this activity where visual and suggested icons will be identified by participants in how these have become relevant on Guam.  Cultural differences will be compared to relatively recent years and the changes will be discussed within the participant group. Projections will be made to determine possible future applications of CLAS Standards into the community.
11:55 am to 12:00 pm        Group Photo
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm         Lunch: On your own.
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm             Unique Populations and Cultural Equality
                                                Under-served and under-represented populations that often result in marginalization will be discussed at this exercise.  This includes Guam’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and transgender community, veterans, the elderly, undocumented individuals, victims of human trafficking, incarcerated individuals and people with cognitive disabilities, to name a few. Instruction will differentiate between equity and equality and the CLAS Standards that promote cultural and linguistic parity. It will also address unique populations that may not currently exist on Guam and the expected impact this may have in the community.
1:45 pm to 2:10 pm             Cultural Communication and Disparities Activity
                                                Cultural communication will be addressed in this section to include speech delivery and intonation, non-verbal communication and cross-cultural communication. Concepts will be introduced to identify and strengthen communication gaps and possible weaknesses in the provision of service delivery. Communication among culturally diverse communities will also be addressed.
2:10 pm to 2:50 pm             Workplace Cultural Confidentiality Preservation Activity
                                                Specific workplace scenarios will be discussed where cultural preservation of confidentiality is valued, recognized and preserved. This will be discussions of how CLAS Standards apply to the workplace to serve stakeholders, consumers and service providers alike.  This discussion will support the pursuits of discretion, respect and integrity in the handling and processing of protected client information.
2:50 pm to 3:00 pm             Break                   
3:00 pm to 3:45 pm             Cultural Core Beliefs, Knowledge and Behaviors Activity
                                                This activity will utilize personal movement as expressions of ideological beliefs, attitudes and knowledge of participants.  It will allow visual depictions of differences of cultural opinions and practices within a small group. This activity will also underscore the vulnerabilities and personal belief systems that are influenced by peer pressure, unrealistic expectations, opinion-makers, co-workers and associates in a controlled environment. Areas of religion, politics, the arts, science, history, human behaviors and educational levels will be discussed     
3:45 pm to 3:30 pm             Maintaining CLAS Standards in a Changing Community
Participants will be able to identify the management of CLAS Standards in changing and evolving communities. Cultural change will be discussed and community support systems will be identified, including community proactivity.  Participants will help designed proposed enhancements t the CLAS Training.  Implementation of the specific Language Access Plans (LAP) will be addressed to ensure the best possible outcomes.  
3:30 pm to 4:45 pm             CLAS in the Workplace
Cultural and linguistic appropriateness will be addressed as they apply to the professional      workplace. Discussions will focus on identifying gaps where service professionals take an introspective view of the practical application of CLAS Standards in the workplace. Participants will describe the CLAS Standards gaps and compliancy as perceived within their own workplace.
4:45 pm to 5:00 pm             Post-Test, Evaluations and Questions & Answers Closing Activity / Training Ends
Disclaimer: Funding for this event was made possible in part, or in whole, by the Guam Office of Minority Health (GOMH).  The materials, views and opinions expressed by the speakers, participants and organizers do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), nor does the display or mention of trade names, commercial practices or organizations constitute endorsements
by the U.S. Government or the Government of Guam.